What’s Your Social Media Temperature?

What's Your Social Media Temperature

What was the last item that you purchased?

How did you make your decision? Was it based on price?

How much research did you do before you walked into the store?

Before I booked my summer vacation I was researching hotels and reading reviews on-line.  I came across a site that worked with my Facebook account…

I clicked further and found that one of the hotels that I was considering was reviewed by 3 of my Facebook friends. As soon as I saw their reviews my decision was made…

Now let’s turn the conversation to your brand…

What do you find when you Google yourself or your company?

If your answer is nothing – “I’m good I don’t do any of that social media stuff… “

Well I have bad news for you – that is probably worse than negative reviews…

At least negative reviews give you an opportunity to reply and look like you care.

No results – to me – means your hiding something… It’s almost like you don’t exist.

And if you don’t think your customers are researching you before they schedule that design consultation you’re in denial…

This is what I don’t understand –

We use social media every day in our personal lives and in our own buying habits but when it comes to promoting our brand or our company we don’t think social media is important…

Everyone else does and the longer you try to push against it, the deeper that hole gets…

Go ahead Google yourself now and let me know what you find…

P.S. I just started hanging out on Instagram… Are you there two? Let’s connect!

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