Get Social to Increase Quality Leads…

Get Socail to Increase Leads

Today I would like to get back to things that you should be doing to increase your leads…

I know I said the magic word – We all want more leads…

How do you get them??

Get Social to Increase Your Leads

You can keep wasting money on pay per click and traditional advertising or you can start investing in social media, SEO and email marketing…

I know your eyes just glazed over…  This is important and the future of your company depends on getting started.

Create a “complete” profile on the platform of your choice

Pick anyone that you like –

It doesn’t matter which you decide on because your customers are there… Each platform requires a different strategy and form of engagement.  Pick the one that you feel most comfortable with.

Think and act like your ideal customer. 

What is important to them?  What questions are they asking you before they buy?

Give them that information.  This creates better quality leads and will help you work with the type of clients that you want to work with.

Provide value for free without expecting anything in return… 

Giving is easy  – not expecting anything in return is the hard part.

If you’re keeping score, in the long run you will lose.

Respond to all comments… Especially the bad ones. 

If someone calls to complain I’m sure you do your best to fix the problem…

What happens if that same customer tweets to 1000 of their closest friends and you don’t respond… I know you’re not on Twitter so how can you respond…

Guess what your competitors are there and if they are doing their job on social media they have a perfect opportunity to steal your client…

I would love to hear from you.

Have you started using social media?  What has your experience been like?


Expand Your Offering & Watch Sales Increase…


Today there was a story out that Ikea is planning to offer solar panels – What’s your initial reaction?

What will the instructions be like?

Are they put together with cams and dowels?

Once you get the jokes out of the way –

I’ll bet the panels will be affordable.

Ikea could change the solar panel industry… Isn’t that what they did to the furniture industry?

Ikea could be very successful as long as the panels are marketed correctly.

As long as they are ready to answer questions and make it easy for consumers.

What do solar panels have to do with your business?  Nothing…

Think about expanding your product offering to your current customer base –

Sure many of you do garages – What about the floors or overhead garage storage?

Do you work with builders?  What about offering shower doors?  Central vacuums or insulation?

Initially you may think this can’t work –

What if you partnered up with flooring company or a shower door company and marketed to each other’s customer list?

Could you make extra revenue without doing much work?  Partnering up with the right company could open you up to a bunch of warm leads.

Finding the right partner could be difficult – What would your bottom line look like if you did?

Are you currently doing something like this?  What type of success are you having?

I would love to hear from you.

Here is the link to the Ikea story.  

I help closet companies succeed.  If I can be of any assistance please feel free to contact me at

Your Social Media Tip – Making the phone ring…

I have known most of my customers for over 10 years and consider many of them friends.  They ask my advice on everything from machinery and software to showrooms and marketing…

One question that comes up all the time is “How can I make the phone ring?”

My first question is always “Are you using social media?”

Their response is usually “I tried that once but it didn’t work”, or “no I don’t like Facebook.”

At that point I give my experience of getting 5 new customers in the last 6 months from Twitter… That might not sound like a lot, but its 5 more than I had before I started tweeting…

I know what you thinking – that’s a lot of work for 5 new customers.  Your right it is, and I’m happy to do it…  Aren’t you?

Social media is something that you can do to separate yourself from the competition.  Create an account on Houzz, Pinterest, Facebook, or Twitter and start to engage your potential customer.

You are not going to create an account and 10 minutes later the phone will ring.  This is not pay-per-click advertising….  You need to be consistent with your message and your posts…

It takes time and practice (every day I learn something new) but it will make the phone ring!

Get on a social media site and start building your network today!

Have you already started building your network?  What has been your experience?

If you would like more information about social media please feel free to contact me at