ClosetCon 2022 Recap – Part II

I’m truly humbled by the amount of people that read last week’s blog post featuring our new closet accessory program with all matching finishes. If you missed it – you can check it out here.

As you would imagine rolling out a new program when the world is “normal” can be a challenge – well doing it during a pandemic, while dealing with raw material challenges and logistic issues – it’s nearly impossible.

All that said I’m thrilled to introduce you to our new closet lighting program.  We have lighting solutions for all budgets and applications.

Battery Powered Lighting

Our new low profile rechargeable LED closet light is the perfect solution for those on a budget or someone that wants an easy surface mounted solution.  Designed for inside closets, cabinets and drawers.

The built in motion sensor will automatically turn on the light when a door or drawer is opened.  Conveniently recharges with a micro USB cable and easily mounts with a magnetized installation bracket.

Available in black and white, in warm or neutral lighting.  You can find more info on

Wireless Horizontal Lighting

Our new Vario lighting system allows you to have fully adjustable shelving without having to worry about wires.  This is a major breakthrough for our industry.  Imagine being able to adjust the shelving in a shoe section for boots, heels or handbags.

All you have to do is route a metal channel (available in black or white) in one vertical panel and recess your light fixture in the shelf.

You no longer need to double up your vertical panels.

You no longer need to use 16′ of LED tape that is run up and down the vertical panels to light up a 24″ wide section.  Think about the money that you will save on LED lights, power supplies, aluminum channels and labor.

We also stock light fixtures 3″ less your standard closet width which allows room for the wires and takes the frustration out of cutting aluminum channels, and tape.  Fixtures are available in aluminum and matte black in either warm or neutral lighting.

You can learn more about the Vario lighting system here.  Here is the link to the lighting fixtures.

Silicone Lighting for Vertical Panels

This is the best option on the market for lighting up vertical panels.  Our new silicone LED tape comes pre-wired with a built in starter wire, doesn’t require an aluminum channel, and can be installed back to back so no double vertical panels!  Are you recognizing a theme… Stop using double panels its expensive and wastes space.

Our new silicone tape the AT6 is a 1/4″ wide X 1/4″ deep, can be cut every inch, can turn corners and can be surface mounted as well as recessed.

Learn more about the AT6 LED tape here.

Want a few more reasons to consider Richelieu for your lighting needs?

  • Wireless door sensors, remotes, and wall switches.
  • Compatible with Google Home and Alexa.
  • Tune-able white lighting – go from warm to cool lighting with a push of a button.

Don’t want to change the way that you currently light closets?

No problem – we also stock everything that you are using today.

  • Puck lights
  • LED Tape
  • Aluminum channels

If you would like more info about Richelieu lighting please don’t hesitate to reach out to your local rep or you can email me at

Thank you so much for reading.

Successful Closet Companies Are Doing This… Are You?

Qualities of a Successful Closet Companies

Recently I presented to 60 independent closet companies ways that I see them missing out on profits. I discussed product offerings that large independents or franchises offer to their customers making them more profitable.

I work with all sizes and types of closet companies – I do what I can to help them succeed and make more money. Hopefully you can take a few of these products, create a program and put them into action in your company.

Under Mount Slides –

About 10 years ago we saw our industry go from white epoxy slides to ball bearing. We are experiencing another transition with under mount slides. Some customers have already made a full conversion and the only reason there hasn’t been more is nobody had the right size under mount and the drawer construction.

I have solved both problems. I sell a fully assembled dovetail box prepped for under mounts and I also have an under mount that comes every 2 inches and will mount on a 14” vertical.   Even if you don’t want to offer this as a standard yet – you can offer as an upgrade and order on a per job basis.   If you have a customer willing to pay more for your drawer box, why not give them what they want?

Freshen Up Your Color Pallet –

If you are still pushing summerflame and candlelight you are losing jobs. Yes I know that 80% of what you sell is white – but why lose out on the other 20%. Many customers are offering high-end textured panels.

I sell melamine from Italy that looks so good you would think it was real wood. The grain in the paper matches the texture in the panel. You can purchase by the sheet, you can get it cut to size or you can buy doors and drawers fronts.

Decorative Hardware –

Some of you may have read my blog post last week. Many of you sell an inexpensive chrome knob or wire pull and if you want to be fancy you give them an upgrade – the bar pull.

Then you say “if you don’t like these make sure your handle is here at time of install we will put them on.” So your guys are still taking the time to install the handles and you’re not making any money for that time.

About a third of the room raised their hands when I asked if they credit back when a customer supplies their own handles. Not having a decent decorative hardware program is costing you thousands of dollars per year. Below is my new closet hardware board.

Closet Hardware Boards

Lighting –

Three years ago I remember meeting with the lighting suppliers and telling them they were crazy – no closet guys were going to sell lights. Boy was I wrong – I currently have customers averaging $3000 per month in lights!!

I know the wires are an issue and many of you reading think lighting isn’t worth it. If you put in a system and create a program – you will sell it. Even if it means you only offer battery operated or rechargeable lighting.

New technology and wireless remote control switches are a game changer. You don’t have to worry about turning lights on and off or wiring a switch. All you need is an outlet.

The above products only work if you have a program. When a client asks you for lighting you need to be prepared with your offering, just like you are with your melamine samples. Same goes for decorative hardware and under mounts.

If you have to get back to them or seem unsure customers will pay more to go with the company they feel confident with. Think about your own shopping habits.

I know you are busy, and building a program might take a little work, but it is well worth it once you look at the numbers over a year – it really starts to add up.

If I can help please leave a comment or send me an email.

Stay tuned for the Part II of my presentation.

New Lighting From Tresco by Rev-A-Shelf

In a recent post we discussed how easy it is to add lighting to your job as long as you know the basics.  Today I want to give you a sneak peak at the new lighting products that are getting ready to hit the market.

New Wireless Dimmer –

The receiver gets plugged between the mounting block and the transformer.  The wireless remote can be surface mounted, recessed or placed on a shelf.  It can control up to 8 different transformers in the same room and comes in black or satin nickel.  With this dimmer all you need to install lights is an outlet.  This will save you countless hours of hiding wires.

No Power, No Switch, No Problem –

Having a wireless switch is great – but what are you supposed to do if you don’t have any power??

Tresco has developed a series of USB rechargeable and battery-operated lights with built in motion sensors. This is the easiest way to light up drawers and cabinetry.

There will be more info available in the coming weeks – Stay Tuned…

If you are working on a job that requires running LED tape or puck lighting, Tresco has made that easier too!!

Tresco offers a FREE lighting layout design service. All you have to do is upload your drawing to their site – Here is the link

Give them up to 48 hours and they will respond with a layout and a parts list that you can take to any Tresco dealer.

No more stressing over where to put the lights or which type of lights to use….

No more phone calls from the job site – “We are short 3 cables and can’t finish”

Stop passing the lighting part of the job to your electrician – keep that profit for yourself.

Your turn – do you have any lighting questions?

What type of experience have you had?

For more information email me or contact your local Tresco distributor.



Your Hardware Tip – Design Trends that you should Listen to…

Over the last month we have reviewed adding lighting to your designs, how installing sliding doors can add to your bottom line and the overall European influence on our industry.  This may be more prevalent in the New York market, but this trend is spreading across the country.  It’s much easier to ride the wave than to try and fight it….

I know lighting is expensive, I know installing sliding doors can be difficult if the opening isn’t square, but I am telling you this is what your customers want…

I’m the Mayor of Hardware, not the Mayor of Design so what do I know…

Well I’ll tell you – actions speak louder than words – Rev-A-Shelf recently purchased Tesco Lighting, Hafele is promoting the new LOOX LED lighting system.  I’m sure that these companies have done their research…

Still not convinced, check out this article from Pulse magazine –

There will always be a market for the least expensive closet, but is that what you want to be known for?  Do you really want to be in a race to the bottom?  Is the bottom ever hit?

Don’t you think it’s worth your time to develop a system and train your designers on these products?  If you sold lighting and sliding doors to only 10% of your customers, what does that equal at the end of the year?

What are your thoughts?

I help individuals and organizations to be successful… For more information about lighting, sliding doors or just to say hello, feel free to contact me at 347-723-7433 or you can email me at