I have known most of my customers for over 10 years and consider many of them friends. They ask my advice on everything from machinery and software to showrooms and marketing…
One question that comes up all the time is “How can I make the phone ring?”
My first question is always “Are you using social media?”
Their response is usually “I tried that once but it didn’t work”, or “no I don’t like Facebook.”
At that point I give my experience of getting 5 new customers in the last 6 months from Twitter… That might not sound like a lot, but its 5 more than I had before I started tweeting…
I know what you thinking – that’s a lot of work for 5 new customers. Your right it is, and I’m happy to do it… Aren’t you?
Social media is something that you can do to separate yourself from the competition. Create an account on Houzz, Pinterest, Facebook, or Twitter and start to engage your potential customer.
You are not going to create an account and 10 minutes later the phone will ring. This is not pay-per-click advertising…. You need to be consistent with your message and your posts…
It takes time and practice (every day I learn something new) but it will make the phone ring!
Get on a social media site and start building your network today!
Have you already started building your network? What has been your experience?
If you would like more information about social media please feel free to contact me at richdemarco@optonline.net.