Top 5 Social Media Questions – Answered

Thinking about getting social

Which platform should I focus on?

I always answer this question with a question – Are you currently using any social platforms?  Do you use Facebook to keep up with grandkids or old friends? Are you using Pinterest to find DIY ideas? Do you use Houzz for decorating tips? The list goes on – I would start with the platform that you are currently comfortable using. This will shorten your learning curve and you can invite your connections to like your page.

The bottom line here is that no matter which platform you are on, you should be able to find potential clients that need your services… It’s just a matter of connecting with them.

How do I find potential customers?

No matter which platform you are on the formula is simple – share information that is important and relevant to your potential clients. This puts you in a position to be viewed as the expert in your field.

People want to work with the best.  Make sure connections can quickly see that with reviews, recommendations and great info.

I’m not a writer and hate to be on camera, can I still be successful on social?

Yes! The trick here is no matter what you post make sure you are speaking to your potential clients. Sharing lists, best practices, or frequently asked questions (this post 🙂 ) are always well received and easy to write.  Can’t come up with your own content, give your point of view on someone else’s.

If you don’t like to be in front of the camera maybe you can be behind the camera and viewers only here your voice.

There are many different options when it comes to content. The most important thing you have to do to be successful is to put in a consistent effort and be patient.

How much time do I have to spend on social?

The time issue always comes up. I know you don’t have enough of it – none of us do. But you make time for what is important to your business. Social has to be on the short list. There isn’t a magic number that I can give you and say if you put in “X” amount of time you are guaranteed success. That’s not how it works.

Put in what you feel comfortable with – if it’s 15 minutes a day – great just commit to doing it everyday and overtime you will see results. By “overtime” I mean more than a week. Social is a long-term plan it will take at least three months before you really start to see any traction

Are there any social media tools that I should be using?

Yes there are, more than I can list. Some of the ones that I use regularly are –


For a closer look at the social media tools I use – click here –

Your turn – do you have a social media question that you want answered?

Do you have any social media tools that you can add to the list?

Post your comments below – Thanks!!

LinkedIn Posts That Will Cost You Customers

Are your posts costing you clients?

If your posts are anything like the ones below that I can guarantee they are!!

Worst LinkedIn Posts

LinkedIn isn’t Facebook, it’s not business causal and it’s definitely not a dating site –

Sounds like common sense right?

Yet more and more people are sharing posts like the above screen shot.

Denis Butchko and I collected what we think are some of the worst posts you will ever see…

Some I wouldn’t share on any platform.

Watch this short video and let me know what you think – You know I love your comments.

Happy Holidays!!

Christmas 2015

From my family to yours… Have a wonderful holiday!

I truly appreciate all of your attention this year – whether you are a long time follower or a new one.

Thank you for spending a few minutes each day reading my posts!!

With the finish line in sight – I thought today would be a great day to share some of my favorite holiday Pinterest boards.

Those of you that aren’t familiar with Pinterest – It’s an online bulletin board that allows you to create categories (boards) and save everything from recipes to websites on your “boards.”

This is an extremely popular platform with over 70 million users.

According to – 93% of the users are women and 45% of those women are ages 35 – 54… Think any of them could need closets??

Here are some examples of my favorite holiday boards –

Holiday Desserts

Holiday Organization

Holiday Crafts to Make with the Kids

This platform is so popular because it’s easy to use, a lot of fun and a great way to show your brands personality.

Click To See My Pinterest Boards

Reach out to me if you have any questions about Pinterest, social media and of course hardware.

Thank you for your loyalty and support this year!

P.S. Eveready Hardware will be closed from 12/25 – 1/4.

What is Houzz? Why you MUST participate & How to Setup your Profile?

Closet Organizers Bringing Order To Messy Closets Concept

What is Houzz? Why you MUST participate & How to Setup your Profile? Houzz is a social media platform that brings together architects, builders, contractors, designers and the people that are interested in their services… Anyone that works with homeowners MUST have a complete and active profile!

Humor me for a second while I bore you with the statistics –

According to Houzz-

  • They have over 35 million monthly unique users.
  • 84% of homeowners hired a pro in 2014.
  • 55% of homeowners are planning or continuing a new renovation.
  • In the next 6 months 21% of homeowners are planning to purchase a new closet or garage.

Is it just me or can you hear the cash register ringing??

Personally I have been using Houzz for the last three years… I sell B2B so you might be wondering why would I waste time with Houzz…

My profile generates 5 – 10 leads per month and I pass those leads along to my customers…

The leads alone score me major brownie points and the response that I receive when one of those leads turns into a job is AWESOME…

The customer loyalty it creates is huge!!

Still not convinced you need a profile?

My clients that track their click thru rates and average length of visit, saw increases in both when they were found with Houzz vs a search engine.  Are you beginning to see the value?  Maybe you’re concerned that you won’t have time for another platform…

The good news is that once your profile is set up – spending as little as an hour per week will generate leads.

Setting up your profile is easy.  Fill out as much information as possible, think about searchable content when filing out your bio.  Use industry keywords – storage, walk-in closet, custom closet etc… If you are a member of the ACSP make sure to include it along with the ACSP badge.  Include links to your website and other social media platforms.  If someone finds you here, you want to give them an opportunity to “hang out” with you in other places – this helps build your relationship!

Once your profile is setup now it’s time to upload photos.  Photos can be uploaded to either projects or ideabooks.

Projects are job specific – an example is “Designing Mrs. Smith’s Shoe Closet.” This project folder might contain before and after photos and obstacles that had to be overcome.

Ideabooks on the other hand are more general – “Must Have Accessories for Your Luxury Closet.”  This ideabook might contain photos of belt & tie racks or different types hampers, pants racks etc..

After your photos are uploaded and sorted – Houzz gives you the ability to tag your photo. Tagging is a way for you to highlight items in your picture.  These tags are searchable and can include links back to your site – this is another way to drive traffic…

Only two more steps and your profile is complete…

Houzz wants you to include a Houzz Badge on your site… I know what you’re thinking… I’m not a computer tech – what’s this going to cost me?

Houzz makes this really easy, especially if you’re using WordPress.  All you have to do is cut and paste the HTML code, I was shocked that it only took me 5 minutes and I love the way that it looks on my blog…

The last step may take you a couple of days to accomplish… Your profile needs three recommendations to be viewed as complete.  I found the best way to accomplish this is review a few of your professional partners – most will return the favor.  It’s easy to do – click on a their profile and click write a review. You can have three done in 15 minutes.

Get started with your profile today and – take advantage of this niche platform…

Are you already on Houzz?  What has your experience been like?

Have you seen the Houzz June 2015 report?  Denise Butchko and I review what thisnew data means for you and your marketing efforts.  Click Here

Wishing You an Awesome 4th of July!


4th of July is Saturday and we are all hustling to get “it” done…

With everyone being so busy I thought today would be a great day to Thank You for being part of my community.

I’m truly humbled that you allow me to share my thoughts and ideas with you.

Thank you so much for reading!

I always try to give you value in these posts –

Today rather than working on your business lets work on your BBQ –

Check out Bobby Flay’s Perfectly Grilled Steak and Honey & Beer Glazed BBQ Chicken.

We are all entitled to unwind and have some fun.  Enjoy it!

Wishing you and your family a Happy & Safe 4th of July!