Happy Holidays!!

Christmas 2015

From my family to yours… Have a wonderful holiday!

I truly appreciate all of your attention this year – whether you are a long time follower or a new one.

Thank you for spending a few minutes each day reading my posts!!

With the finish line in sight – I thought today would be a great day to share some of my favorite holiday Pinterest boards.

Those of you that aren’t familiar with Pinterest – It’s an online bulletin board that allows you to create categories (boards) and save everything from recipes to websites on your “boards.”

This is an extremely popular platform with over 70 million users.

According to Business2Community.com – 93% of the users are women and 45% of those women are ages 35 – 54… Think any of them could need closets??

Here are some examples of my favorite holiday boards –

Holiday Desserts

Holiday Organization

Holiday Crafts to Make with the Kids

This platform is so popular because it’s easy to use, a lot of fun and a great way to show your brands personality.

Click To See My Pinterest Boards

Reach out to me if you have any questions about Pinterest, social media and of course hardware.

Thank you for your loyalty and support this year!

P.S. Eveready Hardware will be closed from 12/25 – 1/4.

Enjoy Your Holiday!


From my family to yours… Have a wonderful holiday!

I thought today would be a great day to share some of my favorite holiday Pinterest boards.

Those of you that aren’t familiar with Pinterest – It’s an online bulletin board that allows you to create categories (boards) and save everything from recipes to websites on your “boards.”

This is an extremely popular platform with over 70 million users.

According to Business2Community.com – 93% of the users are women and 45% of those women are ages 35 – 54… Think any of them could need closets??

Here are some examples of my favorite holiday boards –

Holiday Desserts

Holiday Organization

Holiday Crafts to Make with the Kids

This platform is so popular because it’s easy to use, a lot of fun and a great way to show your brands personality.

Click To See My Pinterest Boards

Reach out to me if you have any questions about Pinterest, social media and of course hardware.

Thank you for your loyalty and support this year!

P.S. Eveready Hardware will be closed from 12/25 – 1/5.

Happy Holidays!

Fotolia_36928466_XS copy 2

I thought today would be a good day to share some of my favorite holiday Pinterest boards.

Those of you that aren’t familiar with Pinterest – It’s an online bulletin board that allows you to create categories and save everything from recipes to website links on your “boards.”

This is an extremely popular platform – over 48 million users and 68% are women – half of them mothers… Could be a good place for you to show up and build some relationships…

Is there a tip hidden in this festive post??  Maybe –

Here are some examples of my favorite holiday boards –

Christmas organization – 

Christmas crafts – 

Christmas recipes – 

This platform is so popular because it is so easy to use and a great way to show your brands’ personality.

Here is a link to my boards

Reach out to me if you have any questions about Pinterest, social media or of course closets.

Have a great holiday!



A Simple Social Media Strategy for 2013

getting social in 2013

This is the year, you know it’s important but you don’t have the time…

When you finally do sit down to begin your social media efforts you don’t know where to start – I know it’s frustrating and believe me you’re not alone!!! – Queue the theme song from X-Files…

Here are 5 tips to jump start your social media goals in 2013…

  1. Put it on the calendar. – Yes that’s right you need to create a schedule!  You wouldn’t blow off an appointment with a potential client so why blow off an opportunity to reach many potential clients… I find scheduling my social media efforts after hours allows me to be the most productive.
  2. Who is your audience? – Narrow your audience down and be as specific as possible.  That will make it easier to connect… Think about a networking event – is it easier to address the entire room or a small group of two or three people?
  3. Where does your audience hang out? – To get the most out of your efforts concentrate on the platforms that will lead to the most interaction with your potential customers.  Anyone in the closet or cabinet industry that is not on Houzz yet is really missing the boat!!
  4. Create content that is important to your audience. – You know who they are and where they hang out so now it’s time to create content that they care about.  Think about questions that you are asked throughout the week – can that be turned into a blog post?  Common problems that your customer faces – there’s another post… Put yourself in your customer’s shoes and show them how to organize them… Sorry bad closet joke, but I couldn’t resist.
  5. Interact with your audience. – As your audience grows they will begin to ask questions… This is the beginning of a sales call.  Respond honestly and quickly, ignoring these inquiries will have the opposite effect.

I hope this is the push you need to get started.  Pick a platform, get registered and begin getting social in 2013!

I help individuals and organizations to be successful… If you have any questions about social media or hardware please contact me at 347-723-7433 or you can email me at richdemarco@optonline.net.

Getting Pinned – What does it mean to you?

No I’m not referring to your high school sweetheart, or that episode of Happy Days… Today getting “pinned” or “repinned” is all about one of my favorite social media sites – Pinterest.com

For those of you that don’t know what Pinterest is –  This is a site that allows users to group and share photos by creating virtual cork boards and “pinning” items to those “boards”… Did I lose you?

Take a look at my Pinterest profile –


You can see some of my “Boards” – “Sliding Doors”, “Organization Ideas”, “Closets” etc…

Each photo is a “Pin” – you can upload a pin from your computer, or you can pin a photo from anywhere on the web…

Why do you care and what does this all mean for your business?  Glad you asked…

According to Freebase.com Pinterest is the 3rd largest platform on the web behind only Facebook and Twitter…

Ask yourself –

Is this a place your potential customers are hanging out?

Do your competitors have a presence on this platform?  If they don’t today, they will tomorrow…

Users of Pinterest typically pin vacation spots, recipes and of course photos of their dream home complete with great kitchens, closets, and garages… See where I am going with this…

Each one of your pins that gets “repinned” to a potential customer’s board should link back to your website… Maybe it links back to your blog or your “contact us” page…

The best part is this is all free – all you have to do is create your presence…

Need some inspiration – check out some of our professional partners’ boards –

Click to see all of Closets Daily’s boards.  

Click to see all of NAPO’s boards.  

Get started today, and have fun with this – Pinterest is a great place to show your brands personality!

For those of you already on Pinterest – what has your experience been like?

I help individuals and organizations to be successful… If you have any questions about social media or hardware please contact me at 347-723-7433 or you can email me at richdemarco@optonline.net