Using Social Media For Your Business? Don’t Make These Mistakes –

You have finally decided now is the time to get involved with social media – That deserves an all caps – AWESOME!!

It’s the best thing that you can do for your business and your brand, as long as you don’t make these mistakes…

Social Media Small BusinessDiscuss Controversial Topics

This is at the top of my list and I know you’re reading this and saying – Duh…

I can show you multiple Twitter and Facebook Company accounts that are constantly posting about politics and it will only get worse as election season gets closer.

You don’t do that – Great!

What about on your personal page?

That is just as bad – once you put something online out it can and will be found.

I do my best to ignore those conversations. You don’t want your brand to be known as the next Sean Hannity.

Constantly Post Sales Pitches

Here is some tough love – nobody cares about your white sale as much as you. People don’t go to Facebook to be sold. Your potential customer is hanging out on Facebook to catch up with friends, maybe learn something new or take a quiz to find out which Seinfeld character they act like.

Don’t get me wrong sharing a sales pitch 10% of the time is ok, just make it less in the form of a coupon and more in the way of educating your client.

For example – Explaining the difference between a floor built closet and a hanging closet is great info for anyone looking and trying to make an educated decision. By showing your expertise it might make your phone ring.

Ignore Your Community

The point of social media is to – wait for it – Be Social! Yes you do have to respond to every comment and yes it should be a timely response… Not two days later. Your followers are watching everything that you are doing before they consider calling you. This is how people shop today – if you are not responding or worse respond negatively they will move on to the next company.

Go MIA For Months at a Time

This is almost as bad as ignoring your network. Imagine if you were dating someone and after the second date they disappeared for 3 weeks. When they showed up again – how would you respond? What if after the 3 weeks they showed up and asked to borrow $20? I agree ridiculous…

I have some bad news for you – when you disappear for weeks and than post a coupon or ask people to visit your showroom without establishing a relationship you’re creating the same emotion.

Are you using Facebook / Twitter?

What have you experienced?

Do you have any questions?   Leave them in the comments section below. I love to know what you think.

Thanks for reading.

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