That’s right you heard me… Start tweeting today and watch your leads and internet traffic increase tomorrow…
Ok so it might take more than a day to see results, but if done effectively I know that tweeting not only will help your marketing efforts, but it will lead to sales… It has for me.
Not on Twitter? Don’t know where to start? Here are 5 tips to get you started –
Set up your profile. This is not as painful as it sounds… My tip here is to upload a high quality photo of yourself – not your dog, cat, car, or your company logo… This is about getting to know you. Your background image can be something creative, to show off your work.
Who to follow? I follow anyone that has something to do with my industry… This keeps me up to date on all of the industry gossip and makes me available if needed.
You’re ready to Tweet… What do you say? The biggest tip that I can give you is don’t tweet sales pitches… That’s not being social… When you meet someone new do you start the conversation by giving him a sales quote? Not the best way to make friends… Tweet info that you think your target audience will find valuable. Include a link when possible.
What’s with the #? No this is not a number sign, it’s referred to as a hash tag. This is used in Twitter as an easy way to search topics, or keep track of conversations. I always include #Closets in my tweets. If anyone is searching closets all of my tweets will come up. A hash tag can be placed anywhere in your post, by placing it in the beginning or middle you are ensuring that your hash tag will not be cut off if you get ReTweeted (RT)…. See last tip…
Show some love with a ReTweet! A ReTweet (RT) is when one of your followers finds your post valuable enough to RT it to their audience. RT’s are great because it spreads your tweet to all of their followers, which will help you get more followers and build more relationships… Make sure to always thank the person for ReTweeting you otherwise they might not do it again!
That’s all you need to know to get started… Create your account today and begin building your audience. Follow me at!/MayorOfHardware I’ll be sure to follow back.
Have a success story or any of your own tips that you would like to add?
Have a Twitter question? Please feel free to contact me at
Happy Tweeting!
All great recommendations! Rule #1,,, always thank a retweet!
I agree. The people that don’t thank you for a retweet are the same people that don’t wave when you let them merge into traffic… :0)
Have a nice weekend.