How Are The Leaders of The ACSP Dealing with COVID-19

The last two weeks feel like a bad science fiction movie.  I keep waiting for The Rock to save the day…

If I have learned anything, it’s that our community is one of the most important things in our lives.

That goes for our business connections as well as our friends and family.

Today I spoke with the leaders of the Association of Closet & Storage Professionals.

Wendy Scott – ACSP President and co-owner of Boutique Closets & Cabinets.

Eric Marshall – President Elect and owner of D.E.A. Remodeling.

Joe Lonardo – Past President and owner of Bella Systems.

We discussed

  • How they are spending their days.
  • What they are telling their clients.
  • and of course the bail out.

If you aren’t a member of the ACSP you are missing out on relationships that will not only help you get through these times but also help you with your business every step of the way.

If you are member, make sure you are following our Facebook group, there is something new going on everyday.

Thank you for reading.

Stay safe my friends!

**Thank you to all the heroes – First responders, Warehouse workers, Delivery drivers, Grocery employees, and anyone else on the front lines.**


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